Nancy Wells At The 2019 SBAFA Reunion
The Sea Base Alumni and Friends Association (SBAFA) established the Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship for the purpose of celebrating and rewarding the skills, gifts, and talents of seasonal Sea Base staff by financially contributing to their educational endeavors. Each year, SBAFA provides multiple scholarships ranging from $500 to $1000 depending on available funding and the number of applicants. Click here to learn more about previous scholarship recipients.
For 30 years, Nancy Wells was the gateway to young men and women pursuing adventures at the Sea Base. If you've worked at Sea Base or visited the Islamorada Base, chances are you've interacted with Nancy! She is a huge part of the behind-the-scenes magic that makes all Sea Base adventures possible. Nancy was integral to the founding of the Sea Base Alumni and Friends Association. She has served as our Sea Base liaison, our membership manager, and the keeper of our treasury. Nancy would do anything for Scouts, adult leaders, Sea Base staff or SBAFA and we are so very grateful to her for her servant leadership! We are honored to preserve her legacy through the naming of this award. Nancy, thank you for all you do. Here's to 30 more!
2023 Staff Scholarship Winners:
Congratulations to our 2023 scholarship winners, and good luck on your future education and adventures! Here is what they have to say about their experiences at the Florida Sea Base:
Lexie Bilby
Keys Adventure Mate - Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship
“This past summer at Seabase was my first. It was the summer of learning and growth filled with people that will be part of my life forever. I fell in love with the ocean in a way I did not know was possible and learned so many new things! From going to Key West and teaching scouts about trees and different cool spots to snorkeling at Looe Key, this Seabase experience was the best decision I have made! Although the summer is short I will leave with memories that will last me a lifetime!”
Robert Cantrall
Sea Exploring Mate - Dr. Marshall Hollis Scholarship
"This summer I got the opportunity to work as a Sea exploring mate on the Schooner Jolly II Rover. I love being able to teach the scouts and watch them grow as I get to spend every moment of their adventure right with them on the ship. Being able to watch them learn to identify fish from the flashcards I made or be able to put up the sails all by themselves by the end of the week really is rewarding. Thanks so much to SBAFA for this scholarship as I start my masters degree in Aerospace Engineering at University of Wisconsin this fall.”
Ryan Hari
SCUBA Mate - Pippin Family Scholarship
"Deciding to apply to Sea Base was far outside of my comfort zone. At first, I wasn't sure that I wanted to fly so far away from everyone that I knew. But I can say with certainty that it was one of the best decisions of my entire life. As a dive boat mate, my crews were a large part of my amazing experience here, but more than that, the other staff is where I found lifelong friendships. My time at Sea Base also showed me in a way I hadn't seen before, the ocean wildlife and ecosystems of the Florida Keys as well as all the threats they are under. This is something I will keep with me and will do my best to help slow and reverse.”
Tyler Paul
Ship’s Store - Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship
"Sea Base was an amazing adventure filled with beautiful ocean views, exciting water activities, and the opportunity to explore marine life. It's likely a great place to learn new skills, make lasting memories, and connect with nature."
Additional Winners:
Laquanta Brinkley - Capt. Rae Murphy Food Service Scholarship
Simon Moreno - Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship
Zach Rauchbach - Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship