The Sea Base Alumni and Friends Association (SBAFA) supports current Sea Base staff and the programs they deliver, connects past and present staff members to each other, and advances the overall mission of the Boy Scouts of America.

Sea Base Alumni & Friends Reunion Rescheduled!

Thank you to all of our alumni & friends for your patience after the late weather-related cancellation of the 2024 SBAFA Reunion!

We are very pleased to announce that the Reunion is scheduled for this upcoming Fall, Thursday, October 23rd - Sunday October 26th, and registrations are


Congratulations to all of our 2024 Scholarship recipients!

Thanks to your generous contributions, and the sponsorship of several individuals, we were able to award 7 Sea Base staff members with scholarships in 2024 to assist them in their educations and to say “thank you!” for all of their hard work in paradise!

  • Daniel Cavill - Keys Adventure Mate - Dr. Marshall Hollis Scholarship

  • Trevor Dodge - Keys Adventure Mate - Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship

  • Ryan Hari - Keys Adventure Mate - Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship

  • Aurelia Smolen - Boat Mate - Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship

  • Andrew Tueth - Ship’s Store - Pippin Family Scholarship

  • Marcus Vargus - Galley Mate - Capt. Rae Murphy Scholarship

  • Joshua Zotter - Boat Mate - Nancy Wells Staff Scholarship

Help Us Support The Sea Base’s Coral Restoration Effort


Florida’s Coral Reef, the third largest in the world is dying due to pollution, changes in water quality and human impact. The reef is home to thousands of species of marine life, plays an important role in protecting the coast from Tropical Storms and produces oxygen which we breath. But all is not lost, the Sea Base Coral Restoration program is growing and planting coral on the reef to rebuild this critical part of our ocean environment. Through a process of fragmentation (which speeds up the coral’s growth), coral is grown in a nursery until ready to be planted on the ocean. The Sea Base coral nursery will grow up to 10,000 corals each year which Scouts will help grow, care for and plant on the reef. It costs approximately $35 to grow, care for and plant each coral. Support the cause today!